This is an Archive originally recorded in October 2010 - Personel, Technology and Prices may have changed and we provide this for your research
TechtalkRadio talks with Nikki Gutshall of ChicBlvd inb this Audio Interview
Nikki Gutshall
Co Creator and Owner - ChicBlvd
TechtalkRadio recently had the opportunity to take a look at a few products from the team at ChicBuds. The company which has been around since 1996 has created a popular line of accessories for the Consumer Electronics world that has a very strong focus on the female consumer.
Those purchasing the products from ChicBud will find not only functionally sound items but also products which give users design and style. From ChicBuds popular Swarovski Crystal adorned earphones to the Fauvette model with 3 different silicone ear gels to the decorative and trendy speaker on a keychain, ChicBuds is attracting fans from all ages.
The Company itself, owned by Nikki and Kailynn, also has an energy
and dynamic that is inspiring in the business world. The Chic "operation" is shared in three different areas. First, the ChicBud's products which encompasses its Designer Electronics,
secondly the Online Magazine at ChicBlvd which features articles and information on dating, marriage, child and lifestyle. Online readers can also check up on the blog's and reality internet
postings from the owners of the company. The site really has a nice feel to it and a balanced approach to featuring the ChicBud products throughout the site. The company also believes in
paying it forward and has been through the many stages in product development to promotion and that is why the owners developed ChicExecs PR.
The lessons learned in Public Relations and Marketing can be used now to help other start ups and small companies that are establishing a brand at a price that can work with most smaller companies budgets. As I noted earlier ..energy, they've developed a abundance of that!
During the Month of October, ChicBuds donated 10% of all PINK product proceeds at
ChicBuds to the Susan G Komen foundation. A Great example of a company giving back.
We spoke with one of the owners, Nikki Gutshall, about the company and developing and marketing product to the female audience while still also creating a line that is strong with the male buyers. We cover some of the products not reviewed previously along with some products we may see soon from ChicBuds. Listen in to our interview with Nikki and take a look at Slick's review at http://www.techtalkradio.com/reviews/chicbuds.html
For More Information
Visit ChicBuds
Check out the Online Magazine
Visit ChicBlvd.com
Looking for a Company to Work your PR
Visit ChicExecs.com
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