The History of TechtalkRadio
The TechtalkRadio Show has been on the Air since 1996 and over the past 24 years has gone through changes in staff, station and name! The radio show was originally called Techtalk With Mike and Andy, it was the brainchild of Andy Taylor and Mike O'Brien.
A Couple of Tech heads that met while shopping at Egghead Software in Palm Desert California. Both of the guys had a passion for Talking and for getting somewhat evangelical over software and gadgets they had tried. Radio Host Leo Laporte was doing his show on KGO-AM San Fransisco and both Mike and Andy were listeners to the show.
Andy Taylor listened when he was driving into his nightime FM Radio Show called Saturday Night Hotmix at KPSI-FM. With Andy Taylors radio background the thought was he could do something to bring the passion of Tech to the airwaves for the Palm Springs listeners. Andy Taylor realized that even with his years as a Morning Show DJ, this certainly wasn’t something he could do at the time alone and needed somebody who lived with the same love of gadgets, had a sense of humor and wasn’t afraid to be on the air.
Both Mike and Andy had flirted with the idea of local radio show that dealt with the issues of DOS, Windows 95 and that thing called the Internet. After a deal was made with the station to buy it's block time, The show launched on Palm Springs KPSI-AM on Thursday Nights for One Hour. This turned out to be one of the fastest hours in thier lives.
Once word got out that the guys on the radio were answering questions about technology, people from all age groups would call in and ask. We were joined on occasion at the time by Bill Grace, a very mild mannered quiet brainiac that soaked up books and magazines like a sponge.
Mike and Andy quickly got over the hurdle of the fear of the airwaves and quickly Mike was up and running and providing some great discussions on the level of the average user and having fun while at it. Mike had a succesful Computer Business in the Coachella Valley and the radio show helped promote it however with only one hour, it was a challange to fit it all in. In 1998, The Radio Morning Show Andy Taylor was on was offered an opportunity to move across the street to a new radio group and one of the “deals” involved bringing Techtalk with Mike and Andy to the new stations AM outlet. A Stronger signal and we wouldn’t have to pay for the time slot which to our happiness was going to be on Saturdays!

Mike O'Brien and Andy Taylor brought in Bill Grace and the show continued to gain momentum. Bill added to the show not only with his tremendous knowledge of Microsoft and Dos but also worked to get Techtalk with Mike and Andy on the web. Bill was able to get the weekly live shows streamed and archives available. It was a rather impressive feat for a small show in Palm Springs, Author Ben Sawyer wrote about it in his book "Online Broadcasting Power" With the capability of live and archived shows via shoutcast, Mike and Andy and Bill quickly had emails from all over the country that would tune in to the show to have questions answered. The show gave the three friends a chance to hang out and geek out while helping users of all ages in the Coachella Valley and beyond. looked forward every week to hanging out with not only Mike and Bill but also the listeners to the show.
In 2000, Andy Taylor was offered yet again, an opportunity in Tucson for a Morning Drive Radio Show. Andy took the move and on weekends would drive back to Palm Springs and hang out with Mike and Bill to continue the show. After a year of the commute, Andy Taylor chose to end the weekly Palm Springs show and focus on the Southern Arizona Market. After presenting the Program Director with a Demo tape of the show, it was agreed to put the show on KTKT-AM Tucson. While Mike O'Brien and Bill Grace may have not been activly involved in the show for the years ahead, they were the backbone for the show which was rebranded officially as TechtalkRadio. The show has had many co-host since taking the airwaves in the Tucson Area with Justin, Slick, Shawn, Randy, Scott, Bruce, Carol, Broadway and of course Wally. Mike and Bill as well as all the co-host always have a place on the show, the roots are what makes this ride so much fun. Thanks all of you!
Thanks for stopping by!
The TechtalkRadio Crew!