Advertising on the TechtalkRadio Broadcast Show

Advertising with TechtalkRadio

Your Product or Service

Featured On-Air and TechtalkRadio.Com

TechtalkRadio can provide incredible opportunities to sponsor the radio Broadcast. Combined with our Social Media options before, during and after the Radio Broadcast - TechtalkRadio will continue to support your message.

One of the best options is with Show Sponsorship with a Terrestrial Radio signal either in your own home town market or in our home base of Tucson.

Sponsorship Options

Video Roll - Have a Pre-Recorded Video You would like Rolled at the Beginning and during a Break of our Video Cast? 15Secs in Length, If you don't have one, we can produce one for you!

Audio BillBoard - We will Billboard Your Sponsorship at the Beginning and End of the Cast

Radio Spots - They will run throughout the Show and we can put together different options for you! Don't have a Radio Spot Produced? We can produce it for you. Want to hear how it could sound? Send us your copy/Script - We will produce and send it back to you!

Web Banner - Your Web Banner and Link to Your Site will be featured on our Main Page

For More Info on Services and How we can work with you to develop a plan , Please Contact us on our contact page or call 520-762-6659

Our Goals for You

TechtalkRadio was created and is operated by Professional Broadcasters with a Passion for Technology. Our goal for your sponsorship is to allow our listeners and viewers to find out what your product or service can do for them. Whether for thier home or business, TechtalkRadio's base of web visitors, listeners and viewers have expressed interest in PC, Mac, Mobile Technology, Hardware, Software, Digital Photography, Video production, Security products, Home Automation and Web applications for Entertainment, Productivity and Creativity!

TechtalkRadio Staff, like you, have lives beyond Technology. We might one day be talking about a software update or work around for a tech issue and another be talking with Celebrities in the Music and Entertainment world. We do like to find out how they use Technology and usually makes for fun segments.

The Key Word is Fun. We really like to have a good time and usually it comes across on the Radio! Check out some of our Video or Audio Cast and would love to answer any questions on how we can work together! If you would like a Media Kit, Demo Spots and Audio Billboards please contact us!

TechtalkRadio™ Broadcast by TechtalkRadio Network LLC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.