Crypto Coin Trading with Joe Blackburn
Joe Blackburn
Crypto Coin Trader
We are happy to have Joe Blackburn back on the show, almost one year since his last appearance on TechtalkRadio. Joe is the Founder of Crypto Coin Trader, a facebook group built on providing information and answering questions for those looking at Crypto Currency. Justin found the group and said we should have Joe on because they really care about what they do. Back in 2017 When we first talked with Joe, everytime you turned around, somebody was talking about Crypto! Sometimes it was great, other times it was from those belittling the idea of investing in Crypto Currency. We started seeing more of "Bitcoin" in the media with even an episode of Big Bang Theory focused on a lost wallet. Silicon Valley on HBO even took a stab and rightfully so at mining digital currency with an Alt Coin they created.
Over the past year it was almost like some waited for the incredible shoot the moon gains to fall while others leveraged 401k's and homes to buy in. Unfortunatly, something did happen and the once increasing numbers began to decrease. We heard the term "Hodl" and while some embraced it, others cashed out.
Joe Blackburn and the members of Crypto Coin Trader on Facebook have done a tremendous job providing answers to questions, cutting through hype and even tracking down bogus AltCoin Claims. We are happy to have Joe back on the show to discuss where Crypto Currency is and where it can go. It is certainly not dead and for those that are "in the HODL mode" There are hopes for gains once again. Tune in for this fun discussion with Joe Backburn.
For More Information
Visit the Crypto Coin Trader Facebook Group
A new Crypto Coin Trader Website will be launching soon! Check it out
Here is the Video Interview we did with Joe Blackburn of Crypto Coin Trader last year, December 2017