Online Shopping Safety Tips and Safeguarding Your Digital Identity
Paige Hanson
Chief of Identity Education
With the holiday shopping season once again upon us, we wanted to take a look at Safety and Security when it comes to not only shopping online but also protecting your Digital Identity.
Paige Hanson is the Chief of Identity Education with Symantec and Lifelock and visits with Andy to discuss the different scenarios which could not only open a user to theft but also a lengthy battle in regaining a stolen identity. Luckily with Lifelock which was acquired by Symantec, makers of Norton, the process to protect and alert the user of issues of possible ID theft has become easier with the companies services. This alert can also provide a quicker recovery time in the event identification fraud has occurred.
Paige shares with us the common mistakes, such as clicking on email links, which have opened consumers up to fraud. The Norton products are discussed which can help protect the user before visiting sites which may aid in passing private information or downloading drive by malware. Shopping online can be a fun experience however the consumer should, as in life, be aware of the surroundings.
Tune in to this Fun Audio Interview with the Chief of identity Education with Symantec/Lifelock Paige Hanson who can explain the Norton Product, The Lifelock Service and tips for a fun holiday season. We also learn about “Giving Tuesday” and how some fraudsters will attempt to divert money meant to do good through public service.
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